Day 6939

Bridger’s History Book

We could see the yard from a long way off, no signs of activity or guards along the perimeter so we continued. Our truck, ‘THUNDERHEAD’ as it was known, is not quiet, so if there was anyone home, they’d hear us approaching. The muffler and tailpipe had been gone for ages, the noise meant to inspire fear and awe in our enemies.

There was another truck out front near the entrance to the yard, its frame was in an advanced state of decay, eaten alive by rust. We stopped and everyone piled out, weapons at the ready, eyes on. I placed my bare hand on the hood of the rusted junker to feel for warmth, but it was cool to the touch. Three Finger checked the cab for weapons, empty.

Everyone knew their jobs, and I had the disperse.

Three Finger was to looks for stray tools, guzzoline and supplies in the shambling vehicles in the yard. She had keen eyes and was naturally good at spotting things of value mashed in the dirt.

Otto the Younger and Enkidu were the keep eyes on the horizon to ensure that no one interrupted us. Otto took to the roof of the truck and Enkidu climbed onto the top of a little shed near the entrance of the yard.

Adept and I were to look for trucks like our ‘Thunderhead’, similar make and model, so we could scavenge spare parts. We were on the lookout for a Chevy C-10, manufactured around ‘77. Adept carried her bow and I carried the tool box.

Winter was approaching rapidly and the blower motor on the old truck’s heater was about crapped out. It made the most horrible noise and barely blew anymore. If we could find a replacement it would ease the cold months for all of us.

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